Oka™ CEO, Chris Slater, and Investor, Max Chee, Head of Aqualine Technology Growth, Interviewed on ReInventing Finance Podcast

In this episode of the Reinventing Finance Podcast by Tom van der Lubbe and Nikolaus Sühr, they talking with Oka investor, Max Chee Head of Aquiline Technology Growth, and, Chris Slater, Oka Founder & CEO.

Watch the Episode

In the Podcast Chris and Max share insights about:

  • Their professional background
  • Challenges around the Quality and Legitimacy of the existing carbon market
  • What Problems OKA is solving and the secret sauce behind
  • What “retiring” refers to in terms of carbon emissions and carbon credits
  • What potential Max sees in the carbon insurance market\
  • Biggest challenges concerning new tendencies, ESG regulations, etc.
  • Who are the market participants?
  • How big is the potential of insurance?
  • How OKA works and what it exactly insures
  • Risks that apply when insuring carbon (reversal risk and methodology)
  • The role of reinsurers
  • The role of culture in reluctancy to get involved in the carbon market
  • Go-to-market and product
  • Advice they would give to an insurance CEO (large carriers) to aboard the topic

©Reinventing Finance Podcast– used with permission.

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